PhD Theses
Note: This page is a work in progress.
There may be students missing
from the list.
If a student's employment
after graduation is not listed, it does not mean that they
do not have employment. It means the student has not
reported their employment to the department.
Student: Joseph Johnson
Graduation date: August 2016
Thesis title:
Intelligent Agent Development Using Unstructured Text Corpora and Multiple Choice Questions
Advisor: Selmer Bringsjord
Employment after graduation:
Program Coordinator/Assistant Professor, Three Rivers Community College
Student: Simon Ellis
Graduation date: August 2016
Thesis title:
Cognitive Gameplaying: Playing Games with Cognitive Computing
Advisor: James Hendler
Employment after graduation:
Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Oakland University
Student: Evan Patton
Graduation date: August 2016
Thesis title:
Toward Energy-Aware Mobile Reasoning Agents for the Mobile Semantic Web
Advisor: Deborah L. McGuinness
Employment after graduation:
Software Engineer, MIT CSAIL
Student: Ying Lu
Graduation date: August 2016
Thesis title:
A Framework for Comparison of Methods for Solving Complementarity Problems that Arise in Multibody Dynamics
Advisor: Jeffrey Trinkle
Employment after graduation:
Software Engineer, LinkedIn
Student: Wenli Li
Graduation date: August 2016
Thesis title:
GPU-Accelerated Terrain Processing
Advisor: W. Randolph Franklin
Employment after graduation:
Student: Joshua Nasman
Graduation date: May 2016
Thesis title:
Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Intuitive and Interactive Lighting Simulation Tools
Advisor: Barbara Cutler
Employment after graduation: Software
Developer, Dark Field Technologies
Student: Linyun Fu
Graduation date: December 2015
Thesis title:
Automatic Provenance Capturing for Research Publications
Advisor: Peter Fox
Employment after graduation:
Software Engineer, Twitter
Student: Hao Li
Graduation date: December 2015
Thesis title:
Moving from News to Social Media
Unsupervised Knowledge Enrichment for Event Extraction
Advisor: Heng Ji
Employment after graduation:
Data Scientist, SmartFinance LLC
Student: Mingming Chen
Graduation date: December 2015
Thesis title:
Discovering Communities by Optimizing Community Quality Metrics
Advisor: Boleslaw K. Szymanski
Employment after graduation:
Software Engineer, Google
Student: Justin M. LaPre
Graduation date: December 2015
Thesis title:
Advanced Optimizations for Large Scale Parallel Discrete Event Simulations
Advisor: Christopher D. Carothers
Employment after graduation:
Lecturer, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Student: Dominic DiFranzo
Graduation date: December 2015
Thesis title:
The Semantic eHumanties Methodology: Same but Different
Advisor: James A. Hendler
Employment after graduation:
Research Fellow, University of Southampton
Student: Joshua Shinavier
Graduation date: December 2015
Thesis title:
Light, Sound, and Semantics: The Web of Data as a New Sensory Modality
Advisor: James A. Hendler
Employment after graduation:
Technical Lead, Cisco
Student: James McCusker
Graduation date: August 2015
Thesis title:
WebSig: A Digital Signature Framework for the Web
Advisor: Deborah L. McGuinness
Employment after graduation:
Director, Data Operations, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Student: Yu Chen
Graduation date: August 2015
Thesis title:
Context Modeling with Inertia Mobile Sensor
Advisor: Peter Fox
Employment after graduation: Data
Scientist/Software Engineer, Yahoo
Student: Abhisek Kundu
Graduation date: August 2015
Thesis title:
Element-wise Matrix Sparsification and Reconstruction
Advisor: Petros Drineas
Employment after graduation:
Student: Pranay Anchuri
Graduation date: August 2015
Thesis title:
Mining Approximate Frequent Patterns from Graph Databases
Advisor: Mohammed Zaki
Employment after graduation:
Research Staff Member, NEC Laboratories America, Inc.
Student: Nimit Dhulekar
Graduation date: May 2015
Thesis title:
Data Analytics of Time-Series for Complex (Biological) Systems
Advisor: Biülent Yener
Employment after graduation:
Application Support Engineer, MathWorks
Student: Hongzhao Huang
Graduation date: May 2015
Thesis title:
Modeling Heterogeneous Networks for Information Ranking, Enrichment and Resolution on Microblogs
Advisor: Heng Ji
Employment after graduation:
Research Scientist, Facebook
Student: Andrew Zonenberg
Graduation date: May 2015
Thesis title:
Antikernel: A Decentralized Secure Hardware-Software Operating System Architecture
Advisor: Bülent Yener
Employment after graduation:
Senior Security Consultant, IOActive, Inc.
Student: John Licato
Graduation date: May 2015
Thesis title:
Analogical Constructivism: The Emergence of Reasoning Through Analogy and Action Schemas
Advisor: Selmer Bringsjord
Employment after graduation: Assistant
Professor, Indiana University/Purdue University, Fort Wayne
Student: Qi Li
Graduation date: May 2015
Thesis title:
Joint Information Extraction
Advisor: Heng Ji
Employment after graduation:
Research Scientist, Yahoo
Student: Saurabh Paul
Graduation date: May 2015
Thesis title:
Matrix Sampling Algorithms for Topics in Machine Learning
Advisor: Petros Drineas
Employment after graduation:
Data Scientist, Paypal
Student: James Thompson
Graduation date: May 2015
Thesis title:
Community Evolution in Temporal Networks
Advisor: Malik Magdon-Ismail
Employment after graduation:
Software Engineer, Google
Student: Lily Briggs
Graduation date: May 2015
Thesis title:
The Asymmetric Orientation Control Matching Problem: Analysis and Algorithms
Advisor: Mukkai Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation:
Software Engineer, Google
Student: Misbah Mubarak
Graduation date: May 2015
Thesis title:
Using Parallel Simulation for Extreme-Scale Network Systems Co-Design
Advisor: Christopher D. Carothers
Employment after graduation:
Postdoctoral Appointee, Argonne National Laboratory
Student: Syed Yousaf Shah
Graduation date: December 2014
Thesis title:
Dynamic Management of Network Systems
Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski
Employment after graduation:
Rsearch Staff Member, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Student: Joshua Taylor
Graduation date: December 2014
Thesis title:
Exploration in Fluid Logics
Advisor: Selmer Bringsjord
Employment after graduation: Senior
Engineer, Siege Technologies
Student: Tommy Nguyen
Graduation date: December 2014
Thesis title:
Proximity, Interactions, and Communities in Social Networks: Properties and Applications
Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski
Employment after graduation:
Student: James McCusker
Graduation date: December 2014
Thesis title:
WebSig: A Digital Signature Framework for the Web
Advisor: Deborah McGuinness
Employment after graduation: Data
Scientist, 5AM Solutions
Student: Jedediyah Williams
Graduation date: December 2014
Thesis title:
A Contact Model For Geometrically Accurate Treatment of Polytopes in Simulation
Advisor: Jeff Trinkle
Employment after graduation:
Mathematics Teacher, Nantucket High School
Student: Louis Gutierrez
Graduation date: August 2014
Thesis title:
Noise Reduction in User Generated Datasets
Advisor: Mukkai Krishnamoorthy and Ron Eglash
Employment after graduation:
Machine Learning Data Scientist, Bask Labs
Student: Wei Huang
Graduation date: May 2014
Thesis title:
An Inference and Checking Framework for Context-Sensitive Pluggable Types
Advisor: Ana Milanova
Employment after graduation: Software
Engineer, Google
Student: Li Zhang
Graduation date: December 2013
Thesis title:
Physics-Empowered Perception for Robot Grasping and Dexterous Manipulation
Advisor: Jeffrey Trinkle
Employment after graduation:
Software Engineer, BlackLocus
Student: Amina Shabbeer
Graduation date: December 2013
Thesis title:
Nonconvex Nonsmooth Optimization for Bioinformatics
Advisor: Kristin Bennett
Employment after graduation:
Staff Software Engineer, IBM
Student: Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu
Graduation date: August 2013
Thesis title:
Uncomputable Games: Games for Crowdsourcing Formal Reasoning
Advisor: Selmer Bringsjord
Employment after graduation:
Post-doctoral Research Associate, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Student: Xiaohui Lu
Graduation date: August 2013
Thesis title:
Ranking Models to Identify Influential Actors in Large Scale Social Networks
Advisor: Sibel Adali
Employment after graduation:
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Student: Geng Li
Graduation date: August 2013
Thesis title:
Mining Local and Global Patterns for Complex Data Classification
Advisor: Mohammed J. Zaki
Employment after graduation:
Senior Member of Technical Staff, Oracle
Student: Ankesh Khandelwal
Graduation date: May 2013
Thesis title:
Furthering the Continuous-change Event Calculus: Providing for Efficient Description of Additive Effects and an Automated Reasoner
Advisor: Peter Fox
Employment after graduation: Software
Development Engineer, Amazon Web Services
Student: Gregory Williams
Graduation date: May 2013
Thesis title:
Planning and Evaluation of
Federated Queries on the Web
Advisor: James Hendler
Employment after graduation:
Self-employed consultant
Student: Jesse Weaver
Graduation date: May 2013
Thesis title:
Toward Webscale, Rule-based
Inference on the Semantic Web via Data Parallelism
Advisor: James Hendler
Employment after graduation:
Research Computer Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratories
Student: Tsz-Yam Lau
Graduation date: December 2012
Thesis title:
Two-Step ODETLAP and Induced Terrain
Framework for Improved Geographical Data Reconstruction
Advisor: W. Randolph Franklin
Employment after graduation:
Senior Member of Technical Staff, Oracle
Student: Aleksandr Ovcharenko
Graduation date: December 2012
Thesis title:
Parallel Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation with Boundary Layers
Advisor: Mark Shephard
Employment after graduation:
HPC Developer, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Student: Jing Fu
Graduation date: August 2012
Thesis title:
Parallel I/O Optimizations for Large-Scale Scientific Applications
Advisor: Christopher Carothers
Employment after graduation:
Software Engineer, Vertica Systems
Student: Cagri Ozcaglar
Graduation date: August 2012
Thesis title:
Algorithmic Data Fusion Methods For Tuberculosis
Advisor: Bülent Yener
Employment after graduation:
Software Developer, Bank of America
Student: Christopher Stuetzle
Graduation date: December 2012
Thesis title:
Representation and Generation of Terrain Using Mathematical Modeling
Advisor: W. Randolph
Franklin, Barbara Cutler
Employment after graduation: Assistant
Professor, Merrimack College
Student: Sahin Cem Geyik
Graduation date: August 2012
Thesis title:
Network Data Modeling Via Grammatical
Advisor: Boleslaw K. Szymanski
Employment after graduation:
Turn Inc., Applied Scientist
Student: Jierui Xie
Graduation date: August 2012
Thesis title:
Agent-based Dynamics
Models for Opinion Spreading and Community Detection in
Large-scale Social Networks
Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski
and Gyorgy Korniss
Employment after graduation:
Software Development Manager, Oracle
Student: Ting Xie
Graduation date: August 2012
Thesis title:
Mesh Data Management Components for Petascale
Adaptive Unstructured Mesh Based Simulations
Advisor: Mark S. Shephard
Employment after graduation:
Senior Software Engineer, ANSYS
Student: Ameya Hate
Graduation date: May 2012
Thesis title:
Optimizing Diffusion and Pricing in Networks of Independent Agents
Advisor: Elliot Anshelevich
Employment after graduation:
Research Programmer / Data Analyst, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Student: Jiao Tao
Graduation date: May 2012
Thesis title:
Integrity Constraints for the Semantic Web:
An OWL 2 Description Logic Extension
Advisor: Deborah L. McGuinness
Employment after graduation:
Senior Application Engineer, Oracle
Student: Eric Smith
Graduation date: May 2012
Thesis title:
Registration of Combined Range-Intensity
Advisor: Charles V. Stewart
Employment after graduation:
R&D Engineer, Kitware
Student: Medha Atre
Graduation date: December 2011
Thesis title:
Bit-by-Bit: Indexing and Querying RDF
data using Compressed Bit-Vectors
Advisor: James A. Hendler
Employment after graduation:
Post doctoral researcher, University of Pennsylvania.
Student: Hilmi Yildirim
Graduation date: December 2011
Thesis title:
Scalable Reachability Indexing for
Very Large Graphs
Advisor: Mohammed J. Zaki
Employment after graduation:
Software Engineer, Google
Student: You Li
Graduation date: August 2011
Thesis title:
CUDA-accelerated HD-ODETLAP: a High Dimensional Geospatial Data Compression Framework
Advisor: W. Randolph Franklin
Employment after graduation:
Analyst, Royal Bank of Canada
Student: Apirak Hoonlor
Graduation date: August 2011
Thesis title:
Sequential Patterns and Temporal
Patterns for Text Mining
Advisor: Boleslaw K. Szymanski
Employment after graduation:
Assistant Professor, Mahidol University
Student: Binh Nguyen
Graduation date: August 2011
Thesis title:
Locally Non-convex Contact
Models and Solution Methods for Accurate Physical Simulation in Robotics
Advisor: Jeffrey C. Trinkle
Employment after graduation:
Software Engineer, Palantir Technologies
Student: Akintayo Holder
Graduation date: August 2011
Thesis title:
The Impact of Irregularity on
Efficient Large-scale Integer-Intensive Computing
Advisor: Christopher Carothers
Employment after graduation:
Software Engineer, Google
Student: Cagatay Bilgin
Graduation date: August 2011
Thesis title:
Advisor: Bülent Yener
Employment after graduation:
Postdocoral fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Student: Matt Edman
Graduation date: August 2011
Thesis title:
Cryptographic Security in Wireless
Networks via Physical Layer Properties
Advisor: Bülent Yener
Employment after graduation:
MITRE Corporation
Student: Christos Boutsidis
Graduation date: May 2011
Thesis title:
Topics in Matrix
Sampling Algorithms
Advisor: Petros Drineas
Employment after graduation:
Research Scientist, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Student: Eyuphan Bulut
Graduation date: May 2011
Thesis title:
Opportunistic Routing Algorithms in
Delay Tolerant Networks
Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski
Employment after graduation:
Senior Engineer, Cisco Systems
Student: Yu Sheng
Graduation date: May 2011
Thesis title:
Interactive Daylighting
Visualization in Spatially Augmented Reality Environments
Advisor: Barbara Cutler
Employment after graduation:
Postdoctoral Fellow, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Student: Jamey Lewis
Graduation date: December 2010
Thesis title:
Population Genetic Analysis
with PCA Informative Markers
Advisor: Petros Drineas
Employment after graduation:
Student: Jonathan Purnell
Graduation date: December 2010
Thesis title:
Approximating Covariance Matrices
Using Low Rank Perturbations with Applications to Accent Identification
and Social Network Clustering
Advisor: Malik Magdon-Ismail
Employment after graduation:
Post-doctoral Research Assistant, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Student: Bugra Caskurlu
Graduation date: August 2010
Thesis title:
Exact and Approximate Equilibria
for Network Formation and Cut Games
Advisor: Elliot Anshelevich
Employment after graduation:
Postdoctoral Research Associate, West Virginia University
Student: Yin Liu
Graduation date: May 2010
Thesis title:
Practical Static Analysis Framework
for Inference of Security-Related Program Properties
Advisor: Ana Milanova
Employment after graduation:
Software Engineer, Juniper Networks
Student: Mykola Hayvanovych
Graduation date: December 2009
Thesis title:
Algorithms for Finding Hidden Groups
and their Structure from the Streaming Communication Data
Advisor: Malik Magdon-Ismail
Employment after graduation:
Research Scientist, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
Student: Konstantin Mertsalov
Graduation date: December 2009
Thesis title:
Modeling Dynamics of
Communication and Social Networks
Advisor: Mark Goldberg
Employment after graduation:
Director of Development, Rational Retention
Student: Andrey Sarayev
Graduation date: December 2009
Thesis title:
Estimation of Credit and
Interest Rate Risks for Loan Portfolios
Advisor: Malik Magdon-Ismail
Employment after graduation:
Quantitative Analyst, EMSQRD LLC
Student: Ali Civril
Graduation date: December 2009
Thesis title:
Column Subset Selection
for Approximating Matrices:
Theory and Data Applications
Advisor: Malik Magdon-Ismail
Employment after graduation:
Assistant Professor, Meliksah University
Student: Stephen Kelley
Graduation date: December 2009
Thesis title:
The Existence and Discovery of Overlapping
Communities in Large-Scale Networks
Advisor: Mark Goldberg
Employment after graduation:
Research Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Student: Travis Desell
Graduation date: December 2009
Thesis title:
Asynchronous Global Optimization for
Massive-Scale Computing
Advisor: Boleslaw K.
Szymanski, Carlos Varela
Employment after graduation:
Post-doctoral Research Associate, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Student: Vineet Chaoji
Graduation date: August 2009
Thesis title:
Efficient Algorithms for
Mining Arbitrary Shaped Clusters
Advisor: Mohammed J. Zaki
Employment after graduation:
Senior Associate Scientist, Yahoo! Labs, Bangalore
Student: Mohammad Al Hasan
Graduation date: August 2009
Thesis title:
Mining Interesting
Subgraphs by Output Space Sampling
Advisor: Mohammed J. Zaki
Employment after graduation:
Senior Research Scientist, eBay Research Labs
Student: Saeed Salem
Graduation date: August 2009
Thesis title:
Protein Structural Similarity
Advisor: Mohammed J. Zaki
Employment after graduation:
Assistant Professor, North Dakota State University
Student: Chao Chen
Graduation date: August 2009
Thesis title:
Algorithms and Hardness Results in Computational Homology
Advisor: Daniel Freedman
Employment after graduation:
Postdoctoral fellow, IST Austria
Student: Daniel Tracy
Graduation date: May 2009
Thesis title:
Path Planning on a Compressed Terrain
Advisor: W. Randolph Franklin
Employment after graduation:
Student: Stephen Berard
Graduation date: May 2009
Thesis title:
Using Simulation for Planning and Design of
Robotic Systems with Intermittent Contact
Advisor: Jeffrey Trinkle
Employment after graduation:
Software Engineer, Lockheed Martin
Student: Andrew Shilliday
Graduation date: May 2009
Thesis title:
Elisa : A New System for
AI-Assisted Scientific Discovery Incorporating Novel Techniques in Infinite
Model Finding
Advisor: Selmer Bringsjord
Employment after graduation:
Software Engineer, Lockheed Martin
Student: Eric Meisner
Graduation date: May 2009
Thesis title:
Learning Controllers for
Human-Robot Interaction
Advisor: Volkan Isler,
Jeffrey Trinkle
Employment after graduation:
Postdoctoral Fellow, Computational Interaction and Robotics
Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University
Student: Dirk Padfield
Graduation date: May 2009
Thesis title:
Segmentation and Tracking
Algorithms for Monitoring Cellular Motion and Function
Advisor: Badrinath Roysam, Charles
Employment after graduation:
Computer Scientist, GE Global Research
Student: Bradford King
Graduation date: December 2008
Thesis title:
Range Data Analysis
by Free-Space Modeling and Tensor Voting
Advisor: Charles V. Stewart
Employment after graduation:
R&D Engineer, Kitware
Student: Asif Javed
Graduation date: December 2008
Thesis title:
A Computational Analysis of Human
Genetic Variation
Advisor: Petros Drineas
Employment after graduation:
Postdoctoral Research Associate, IBM Watson Research Center
Student: Nilanjan Chakraborty
Graduation date: December 2008
Thesis title:
Optimization Based Approaches for
Geometric Constraints in Robot Motion Planning
Advisor: Srinivas Akella,
Jeffrey Trinkle
Employment after graduation:
Postdoctoral Fellow, Carnegie Mellon
Student: Michal Sofka
Graduation date: August 2008
Thesis title:
Theoretical and Practical Problems in
Feature-Based Registration with Application to Longitudinal Analysis
Advisor: Charles V. Stewart
Employment after graduation:
Research Scientist, Siemens
Student: Anilkumar Karanam
Graduation date: August 2008
Thesis title:
A p-adaptive stabilized finite
element method for fluid dynamics
Advisor: Kenneth Jansen
Employment after graduation: Synopsys
Student: Hung-Ching (Justin) Chen
Graduation date: August 2008
Thesis title:
Reverse Engineering A Hidden Markov Model
For Complex Social Systems
Advisor: Malik Magdon-Ismail
Employment after graduation:
Student: Evrim Acar Ataman
Graduation date: May 2008
Thesis title:
Understanding Epilepsy Seizure
Structure Using Tensor Analysis
Advisor: Bulent Yener
Employment after graduation:
Sandia National Laboratories
Student: Metin Inanc
Graduation date: May 2008
Thesis title:
Compressing Terrain Elevation Datasets
Advisor: W. Randolph Franklin
Employment after graduation:
Student: Ryan LaFortune
Graduation date: May 2008
Thesis title:
Techniques and Data Structures
for Efficient Information Access and Retrieval in Distributed Networks
Advisor: Christopher Carothers
Employment after graduation: MITRE
Student: Anurat Chapanond
Graduation date: December 2007
Thesis title:
Application Aspects of Data
Mining Analysis on Evolving Graphs
Advisor: Mukkai Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation:
Chulaporn Research Institute
Student: Juong-Sik Lee
Graduation date: December 2007
Thesis title:
Recurrent Auctions in E-Commerce
Advisor: Boleslaw K. Szymanski
Employment after graduation: NOKIA Research Center, Palo Alto, CA
Student: Fikret Sivrikaya
Graduation date: December 2007
Thesis title:
Energy-Efficient Channel
Access and Routing
Protocols for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
Advisor: Bulent Yener
Employment after graduation:
DAI-Labor - Technische Universität Berlin
Student: Lauren Foutz
Graduation date: December 2007
Thesis title:
SIndex: Query Optimization
and Access Control in a Semi-Structured Database
Advisor: David Spooner
Employment after graduation: Oracle
Student: Benjarath Phoophakdee
Graduation date: August 2007
Thesis title:
Trellis: Genome-scale
Disk-based Suffix Tree Indexing Algorithm
Advisor: Mohammed Zaki
Employment after graduation:
Chulabhorn Research Institute
Student: Matthew Turek
Graduation date: August 2007
Thesis title:
Combinatorial Optimization
for Tracking and Low-Level Computer Vision Problems
Advisor: Daniel Freedman
Employment after graduation:
Student: Gehua Yang
Graduation date: August 2007
Thesis title:
Towards Fully-automatic and
General-purpose Image Registration
Advisor: Charles V. Stewart
Employment after graduation:
Student: Viswanath Ramakkagari
Graduation date: May 2007
Thesis title:
A New Stability Method for
Singularly Perturbed Convection-Diffusion Equations
Advisor: Joseph E. Flaherty
Employment after graduation:
Cranes Software International Limited
Student: Seyit Ahmet Camtepe
Graduation date: May 2007
Thesis title:
Design and Analysis of Key
Management Schemes for Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks
Advisor: Bulent Yener
Employment after graduation:
DAI-Labor, Technische Universitaet Berlin
Student: Brandeis Hill
Graduation date: May 2007
Thesis title:
An Evaluation of a Statistical Framework and
Algorithms for Adaptive Aggregation
Advisor: Sibel Adali
Employment after graduation: Purdue
University (post-doc)
Student: Kaoutar El Maghraoui
Graduation date: May 2007
Thesis title:
A Framework for Middleware-Driven
Dynamic Reconfiguration of Scientific Applications in Grid Environments
Advisor: Carlos A. Varela
Employment after graduation:
Research Scientist, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Student: Joel W. Branch
Graduation date: May 2007
Thesis title:
Opportunistic Routing and Middleware
Composition for Sensor and Actuator Networks
Advisor: Boleslaw K. Szymanski
Employment after graduation: IBM
TJ Watson Laboratory
Student: Kristopher Beevers
Graduation date: May 2007
Thesis title:
Mapping with Limited Sensing
Advisor: Wesley Huang
Employment after graduation:
SolidJoint Research
Student: Aytekin Vargun
Graduation date: December 2006
Thesis title:
Code-Carrying Theory
Advisor: David R. Musser
Employment after graduation:
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (post-doc)
Student: Feng Gao
Graduation date: December 2006
Thesis title:
Indexing Methods for Protein
Tertiary and Predicted Structures
Advisor: Mohammed J. Zaki
Employment after graduation: Microsoft
Student: Wei-Jen Wang
Graduation date: December 2006
Thesis title:
Distributed garbage
collection for large-scale mobile actor systems
Advisor: Carlos A. Varela
Employment after graduation: National
Central University, Taiwan
Student: James Kilbride
Graduation date: December 2006
Thesis title: Methods
for Reformulating Dynamic Programming Algorithms as Representatively Sampled
Advisor: M. S. Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation:
General Dynamics
Student: Zujun Shentu
Graduation date: December 2006
Thesis title:
Context Shapes: A Novel Approach for
Partial Complementary Shape Matching Proteins
Advisor: Mohammed Zaki
Employment after graduation: Oracle
Student: Lizhuang Zhao
Graduation date: December 2006
Thesis title:
Mining Subspace and Boolean Patterns from Data
Advisor: Mohammed Zaki
Employment after graduation: Amazon
Student: Bettina Schimanski
Graduation date: December 2006
Thesis title:
Psychometric AI and story arrangement: progress of a test-based approach towards an achievable artificial intelligence
Advisor: Selmer Bringsjord
Employment after graduation: Sandia
Student: Bouchra Bouqata
Graduation date: December 2006
Thesis title:
VOGUE: A Novel Variable Order-Gap State
Machine For Modeling Sequences
Advisor: Christopher Carothers,
Boleslaw Szymanski, Mohammed Zaki
Employment after graduation: GE
Center for Research and Development
Student: Jeffrey Baumes
Graduation date: December 2006
Thesis title:
Algorithms for Discovering Hidden Groups in Communications
Advisor: Mark Goldberg
Employment after graduation: Kitware
Student: Yongqiang Zhang
Graduation date: August 2006
Thesis title:
Structured Motifs in Biological Sequences: Search and Extraction
Advisor: Mohammed Zaki
Employment after graduation: Oracle
Student: Jing Xi
Graduation date: August 2006
Thesis title:
Stretch Preserving Oblivious Routing Algorithms
Advisor: Costas Busch
Employment after graduation: Bank of America
Student: Nicholas Markham
Graduation date: May 2006
Thesis title: Algorithms and software for nucleic acid sequences
Advisor: Michael Zuker, Lee Newberg
Employment after graduation:
Simplicita Software
Student: Inna Vitol
Graduation date: May 2006
Thesis title:
Mathematical models for mycobacterium
tuberculosis complex genotyping and patient data
Advisor: Kristin Bennett
Employment after graduation:
Wolf Greenfield
Student: Thomas Michael Smith
Graduation date: May 2006
Thesis title:
A computational system for identifying
CIS-regulatory elements in closely related genomes
Advisors: Lee A. Newberg,
Mukkai S. Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation: MIT Lincoln Lab
Student: Alessandro Souza Ferreira Rubim de Assis
Graduation date: May 2006
Thesis title:
Inferring dynamic learner behavior for user modeling in continuously adapting hypermedia
Advisor: Michael Danchak
Employment after graduation: Nuance
Student: Cigdem Demir
Graduation date: December 2005
Thesis title:
The cell-graphs of brain cancer
Advisor: Bulent Yener
Employment after graduation: Bilkent University
Student: Houda Lamehamedi
Graduation date: December 2005
Thesis title:
Decentralized data management framework for data grids
Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski
Employment after graduation: Oracle
Student: David W. Bauer, Jr.
Graduation date: December 2005
Thesis title: Meta-simulation design and analysis for large scale networks
Advisor: Christopher Carothers, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman
Employment after graduation: MITRE Corporation
Student: Karlton Sequeira
Graduation date: August 2005
Thesis title: Exploring
similarities in high-dimensional datasets
Advisor: Mohammed Zaki
Employment after graduation: Amazon
Student: Chi-nan Chiang
Graduation date: August 2005
Thesis title:
An information-theoretic approach to storage management for middleware caching
Advisor: Sibel Adali
Employment after graduation: Hsin Kuo University
Student: Yushin Cho
Graduation date: August 2005
Thesis title:
Resolution scalable and random access decodable image coding with low time complexity
Advisor: Daniel Freedman
Employment after graduation: RealNetworks, Inc.
Student: Jamal Faik
Graduation date: August 2005
Thesis title:
A model for resource-aware load balancing on heterogeneous and non-dedicated clusters
Advisor: Joseph E. Flaherty
Employment after graduation: Oracle
Student: Peng Hu
Graduation date: August 2005
Thesis title:
Solving fluid-rigid object interaction problems by discontinuous Galerkin methods
Advisor: Joseph E. Flaherty
Employment after graduation: Algor, Inc.
Student: Eunyoung Seegyoung Seol
Graduation date: August 2005
Thesis title: FMDB : flexible distributed mesh database for parallel automated adaptive analysis
Advisor: Mark Shephard
Employment after graduation:
Student: Garrett R. Yaun
Graduation date: August 2005
Thesis title:
Efficient large-scale computer and network models using optimistic parallel simulation
Advisor: Christopher Carothers
Employment after graduation: Google
Student: Tao Zhang
Graduation date: August 2005
Thesis title:
Visual tracking by density matching: theory, algorithms and application
Advisor: Daniel Freedman
Employment after graduation: Vision and Security
Technology Lab, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Student: David E. Goldschmidt
Graduation date: May 2005
Thesis title:
A comparison of keyword-based and semantics-based searching
Advisor: M. S. Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation: Global Specs
Student: Victor Boyarshinov
Graduation date: May 2005
Thesis title:
Machine learning in computational finance
Advisor: Malik Magdon-Ismail
Employment after graduation: Amiti
Student: Yu Liu
Graduation date: December 2004
Thesis title:
Loosely-coordinated, distributed, packet-level network simulation
Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski
Employment after graduation: SinCort
Student: Roderic G. Collins
Graduation date: August 2004
Thesis title:
Restoring semantic context a domain-aware debugger
Advisor: Charles Stewart
Employment after graduation: GE Global
Research Center
Student: Matthew C. Schumaker
Graduation date: May 2004
Thesis title:
Matrix based visualization of graphs
Advisor: Michael Danchak
Employment after graduation: Morgan Stanley
Student: Douglas Gregor
Graduation date: May 2004
Thesis title:
High-level static analysis for generic libraries
Advisor: Sibylle Schupp, David Musser
Employment after graduation: University of Indiana,
Bloomington (post-doc)
Student: Kenneth H. Fritzsche
Graduation date: May 2004
Thesis title:
Computer vision algorithms for retinal vessel detection and width change detection
Advisor: Charles Stewart
Employment after graduation: West Point
Student: John Punin
Graduation date: August 2003
Thesis title:
WWWPAL suite for analysis and organization of web sites
Advisor: M. S. Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation:
Software Architect, Oracle
Student: Jiang Li
Graduation date: August 2003
Thesis title:
End-to-end multicast congestion control and avoidance
Advisor: Shivkumar Kalyanaraman
Employment after graduation: Howard University
Student: Chia-Ling Tsai
Graduation date: August 2003
Thesis title:
Feature-based retinal image registration: algorithms and validation
Advisor: Charles Stewart
Employment after graduation: National Chung Cheng
Student: J. Alan Bivens, II
Graduation date: May 2003
Thesis title:
Distributed framework for deploying machine learning in network management and security
Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski
Employment after graduation: IBM
TJ Watson Laboratory
Student: A. G. Amitha Perera
Graduation date: May 2003
Thesis title:
Robust region extraction : extracting model and domain parameters in the presence of noise and multiple populations.
Advisor: Charles Stewart
Employment after graduation: GE
Global Research Center
Student: Gang (Gilbert) Chen
Graduation date: May 2003
Thesis title:
New methods for parallel discrete event simulation
Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski
Employment after graduation: Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute (post-doc)
Student: Toshiro Ohsumi
Graduation date: May 2003
Thesis title:
Efficient methods for solving biomechanical equations
Advisor: Joseph E. Flaherty
Employment after graduation: Colgate University
Student: Darren Lim
Graduation date: May 2003
Thesis title:
A machine learning approach for designing DNA sequence assembly algorithms
Advisor: Mark Goldberg
Employment after graduation: Siena College
Student: Eric Breimer
Graduation date: December 2002
Thesis title:
A machine learning approach for designing dynamic programming algorithms
Advisor: Mark Goldberg
Employment after graduation: Siena College
Student: Murat Yuksel
Graduation date: August 2002
Thesis title:
Architectures for congestion-sensitive pricing of network services
Advisor: Shivkumar Kalyanaraman
Employment after graduation: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Student: Richard Kline
Graduation date: August 2002
Thesis title:
Algorithms for error-tolerant information retrieval from music databases using vocal input
Advisor: Ephraim Glinert
Employment after graduation: Pace University
Student: Christopher Richard Volpe
Graduation date: May 2002
Thesis title:
Algorithms for aural representation and presentation of quantitative data to complement and enhance data visualization
Advisor: Ephraim Glinert
Employment after graduation: GE
Student: David Harrison
Graduation date: December 2001
Thesis title:
Edge-to-edge control : a congestion avoidance and service differentiation architecture for the internet
Advisor: Shivkumar Kalyanaraman
Employment after graduation: University of California, Berkeley
Student: Corey Bufi
Graduation date: December 2001
Thesis title:
A flexible integration framework for heterogeneous content-based multimedia information retrieval
Advisor: Sibel Adali
Employment after graduation: GE
Research and Development
Student: Wesley D. Turner
Graduation date: May 2001
Thesis title:
Multilevel preconditioning methods for the parallel, iterative solution of large, sparse systems of equations
Advisor: Joseph E. Flaherty
Employment after graduation: GE
Student: Jeffrey Nesheiwat
Graduation date: December 2000
Thesis title:
Instrumentation database approach to the analysis of large parallel and object oriented scientific applications
Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski
Employment after graduation: Oracle
Student: James D. Teresco
Graduation date: August 2000
Thesis title:
A hierarchical partition model for parallel adaptive finite element computation
Advisor: Joseph E. Flaherty
Employment after graduation: Williams College
Student: Jianhong Sun
Graduation date: August 2000
Thesis title:
The design and implementation of an integrated large scale product database
Advisor: Martin Hardwick
Employment after graduation:
University of Phoenix
Student: Robert Francis Dugan, Jr.
Graduation date: August 2000
Thesis title:
A testing methodology and architecture for computer supported cooperative work software
Advisor: Ephraim Glinert
Employment after graduation: Stonehill College, co-founder
of StepZero
Student: Scott Epter
Graduation date: December 1999
Thesis title:
Data Clustering with Distance Thresholds
Advisor: Mukkai S. Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation: IBM
Student: William Maniatty
Graduation date: December 1998
Thesis title:
High performance computing tools with applications to epidemics and population dynamics
Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski
Employment after graduation: University at Albany
Student: Wesley Kaplow
Graduation date: December 1998
Thesis title:
Compile-time and run-time methods for
cache optimization in scientific codes
Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski
Employment after graduation: Lucent
Student: Yaowadee Temtanapat
Graduation date: December 1998
Thesis title: Access control in a distributed database system with local site autonomy
Advisor: David Spooner
Employment after graduation: King Mongkut's Institute of Technology
Student: Kishore Bubna
Graduation date: August 1998
Thesis title:
Model selection, merging, and splitting techniques for surface reconstruction from range data
Advisor: Charles V. Stewart
Employment after graduation: BioLuminate
Student: Raymond M. Loy
Graduation date: May 1998
Thesis title:
Adaptive local refinement with octree load-balancing for the parallel solution of three-dimensional conservation laws
Advisor: Joseph E. Flaherty
Employment after graduation: Argonne National Labs
Student: David Loffredo
Graduation date: May 1998
Thesis title:
Efficient database implementation of
EXPRESS information models.
Advisor: Martin Hardwick
Employment after graduation: StepTools
Student: Mohan Nibhanupudi
Graduation date: May 1998
Thesis title:
Adaptive parallel computations on
networks of workstations
Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski
Employment after graduation: Inktomi
Student: Robert E. Cook, Jr.
Graduation date: May 1998
Thesis title:
Automated verification of generic
computer software components
Advisor: David Musser
Employment after graduation: Ora Corporation
Student: Markus Hitz
Graduation date: May 1998
Thesis title:
Efficient algorithms for computing the
nearest polynomial with constrained roots
Advisor: Erich Kaltofen
Employment after graduation: North Georgia College and
State University
Student: Michael Gousie
Graduation date: May 1998
Thesis title:
Contours to digital elevation models :
grid-based surface reconstruction methods
Advisor: Randolph Franklin
Employment after graduation: Wheaton College
Student: Kenneth Morris Martin
Graduation date: May 1998
Thesis title:
Image guided borescope tip pose
Advisor: Charles Stewart
Employment after graduation: GE
Student: MaryAnne L. Egan
Graduation date: December 1997
Thesis title:
Validity guided robust fuzzy clustering
methods for characterizing clusters in noisy data
Advisor: M. S. Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation: Siena College
Student: Ewa Deelman
Graduation date: December 1997
Thesis title:
Performance optimization of parallel
discrete event simulation of spatially explicit problems
Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski
Employment after graduation:
Student: Chakravarthy Bhagvati
Graduation date: December 1997
Thesis title:
Gaussian normalization of
morphological opening distributions for analyzing texture defects
Advisor: Michael Skolnick
Employment after graduation: University of Hyderabad
Student: Robin Y. Flatland
Graduation date: December, 1997
Thesis title:
Extending neighborhood problems:
algorithms and analysis
Advisor: Charles Stewart
Employment after graduation: Siena College
Student: Stephen Blythe
Graduation date: August 1997
Thesis title:
Design Space Exploration in
High-Level Synthesis
Advisor: Robert Walker
Employment after graduation: St. Louis University
Student: Angel Luis Diaz
Graduation date: May 1997
Thesis title: FoxBox: A System for Manipulating Symbolic
Objects in Black Box Representation
Advisor: Erich Kaltofen
Employment after graduation: IBM
Student: Charles D. Norton
Graduation date: December 1996
Thesis title: Object oriented programming paradigms in scientific computing
Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski
Employment after graduation: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Student: William Cheetham
Graduation date: December 1996
Thesis title: Case-based reasoning with confidence
Advisor: M.S. Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation: GE
Student: Jane Show-Jane Liu
Graduation date: December 1996
Thesis title: Recognizing repeated structures from a single image by invariants
Advisor: Ellen Walker
Employment after graduation: Tektronics
Student: AnneMarie Ferraro
Graduation date: December 1996
Thesis title: An examination of the collaborative design process using multiple media resources and sharing protocols
Advisor: Ed Rogers
Employment after graduation:
Student: David Vandevoorde
Graduation date: December 1996
Thesis title: A fast exponential decomposition algorithm and its applications to structured matrices
Advisor: Frank Luk
Employment after graduation: Hewlett Packard
Student: R. Lindsay Todd
Graduation date: August 1996
Thesis title:
Advisor: Ephraim Glinert
Employment after graduation: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Student: Nancy Lawson
Graduation date: August 1996
Thesis title: Finite obstruction sets and the circular layout problem
Advisor: M. S. Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation: College of St. Rose
Student: Changqing Wang
Graduation date: August 1996
Thesis title: Integrating tools and methods for rigorous analysis of C++ generic library components
Advisor: David Musser
Employment after graduation: GTE
Student: Edward Allen Green
Graduation date: May 1996
Thesis title: Model-based analysis of printed tables
Advisor: M. S. Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation:
Student: Can Ozturan
Graduation date: 1995
Thesis title: Distributed environment and load balancing for adaptive unstructured meshes
Advisor: Joseph Flaherty, Boleslaw
Employment after graduation: Bogazici
Student: Austin Lobo
Graduation date: 1995
Thesis title: Matrix-free linear system solving and applications to symbolic computation
Advisor: Erich Kaltofen
Employment after graduation:
Washington College
Student: Christopher A. Welty
Graduation date: 1995
Thesis title: An integrated representation for software development and discovery
Advisor: Edwin Rogers
Employment after graduation: Vassar College
Student: Ugur Dogrusoz
Graduation date: 1995
Thesis title: Cycle structure and coloring of graphs and their parallel solutions
Advisor: Mukkai Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation:
Student: Khalel Al-Zamel
Graduation date: 1995
Thesis title: Cell placement in VLSI
Advisor: Mukkai Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation:
Student: Fawaz S. Al-Anzi
Graduation date: 1995
Thesis title: Designing functionally correct database views of complex objects in concurrent engineering systems
Advisor: David Spooner
Employment after graduation: Kuwait
Student: Arturo J. Sanchez-Ruiz
Graduation date: 1995
Thesis title: On automatic approaches to multi-language programming via code reusability
Advisor: Ephraim Glinert
Employment after graduation:
?; University of North Florida
Student: Christian W. P. Omlin
Graduation date: 1995
Thesis title: Symbolic information in recurrent neural networks: Issues of representation and training
Employment after graduation:
Student: Joaquim A. Jorge
Graduation date: 1995
Thesis title: Parsing adjacency grammars for calligraphic interfaces
Employment after graduation:
Student: Rama K. Govindaraju
Graduation date: 1995
Thesis title: Design of scalable expander interconnection networks
Advisor: Mukkai Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation: IBM
Student: Jonathan W. Berry
Graduation date: 1995
Thesis title: Path optimization for graph partitioning problems: A case study of near greedy analysis
Advisor: Mark Goldberg
Employment after graduation:
DIMACS; Elon University; Lafayette College; Sandia.
Student: John D. Valois
Graduation date: 1994
Thesis title: Lock-free data structures
Advisor: Mukkai Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation:
Stony Brook University; BlackRock Solutions, Inc.
Student: Donald Bruce Sanderson
Graduation date: 1994
Thesis title: Loss of data semantics in syntax directed translation
Advisor: David Spooner
Employment after graduation: East
Tennessee State University
Student: Van-Duc Nguyen
Graduation date: 1994
Thesis title: Extract models from images with parameterized templates
Employment after graduation:
Student: Christopher H. Jolly
Graduation date: 1994
Thesis title: Using rules to specify classification strategies in the credit card industry
Advisor: Mukkai Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation: GE
Student: J. Alyce Faulstich Brady
Graduation date: 1994
Thesis title: Axiomatic specification for the synchronization of object-oriented services
Advisor: David Spooner
Employment after graduation: Kalamazoo College
Student: Karen Marie Dragon Devine
Graduation date: 1994
Thesis title: An adaptive HP-finite element method with dynamic load balancing for the solution of hyperbolic conservation laws on massively parallel computers
Advisor: Joseph Flaherty
Employment after graduation: Sandia
Student: Craig A. Shelly
Graduation date: 1994
Thesis title: Procedurally defined discrete curves
Employment after graduation:
Student: Eva Margarita Rovira
Graduation date: 1994
Thesis title: Dynamic abstraction mechanisms for simulation environments
Advisor: David Spooner
Employment after graduation:
startup company
Student: Badrinath Ramamurthy
Graduation date: 1994
Thesis title: Bounded P-contraction of graphs
Advisor: Mukkai Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation:
Student: Peter J. Floriani
Graduation date:
Thesis title: Finding substrings of varying uniqueness in ribosomal RNA data
Advisor: Mukkai Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation:
Student: Masaki Aono
Graduation date: 1994
Thesis title: Computer-aided geometric design for forming woven cloth composites
Employment after graduation:
Student: David A. Ferrucci
Graduation date: 1993
Thesis title: Interactive configuration: A logic programming-based approach
Advisor: Edwin Rogers
Employment after graduation: IBM
Student: Kelvin Wenbo Liu
Graduation date: 1993
Thesis title: Object-oriented database views for supporting multidisciplinary concurrent engineering
Advisor: David Spooner
Employment after graduation: AutoDesk,
HP Research, Google
Student: Mark R. Gilder
Graduation date: 1993
Thesis title: An object-oriented intermediate code representation for an Architecturally independent parallelizing compiler
Advisor: Mukkai Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation:
Student: Robert W. McCloskey
Graduation date: 1993
Thesis title: Bounded context grammars and languages
Employment after graduation:
Student: Thomas Valente
Graduation date: 1992
Thesis title: A distributed approach to proving large numbers prime
Advisor: Erich Kaltofen
Employment after graduation:
Hampden-Sydney College
Student: David Withey McIntyre
Graduation date: 1992
Thesis title: A visual method for generating iconic programming environments
Employment after graduation:
Student: Saad Ayub
Graduation date: 1992
Thesis title: Planning in an uncertain and dynamic environment with weak domain theory
Advisor: Piero Bonissone, David Spooner
Employment after graduation:
GE Research and Development
Student: Balaram Sinharoy
Graduation date: 1992
Thesis title: Optimizing iterative algorithms for distributed-memory machines
Advisor: Boleslaw K. Szymanski
Employment after graduation:
University of North Texas; IBM TJ Watson Laboratory
Student: Steven Warren Hammond
Graduation date: 1992
Thesis title: Mapping unstructured grid computations to massively parallel computers
Advisor: Rob Schreiber and Joseph
Employment after graduation:
Student: Messaoud Benantar
Graduation date: 1992
Thesis title: Parallel and adaptive algorithms for elliptic partial differential systems
Advisor: Joseph E. Flaherty
Employment after graduation:
Student: Kee-Young Yoo
Graduation date: 1992
Thesis title: A systolic array design methodology for sequential loop algorithms
Employment after graduation:
Student: Kevin John Gildea
Graduation date: 1992
Thesis title: A building block approach for computer communication protocols
Employment after graduation:
Student: Paul C. Brown
Graduation date: 1992
Thesis title: Constructive semantics
Advisor: Mukkai Krishnamoorthy,
David Musser
Employment after graduation:
Student: Rupak Biswas
Graduation date: 1991
Thesis title: Parallel and adaptive methods for hyperbolic partial differential systems
Advisor: Joseph Flaherty
Employment after graduation: NASA
Student: M'hamed Bouziane
Graduation date: 1991
Thesis title: Metadata modeling and management
Employment after graduation:
Student: David A. Berque
Graduation date: 1991
Thesis title: Implicit set manipulation: Theory and practice
Advisor: Mark K. Goldberg
Employment after graduation: DePauw University
Student: Fabio Guerinoni
Graduation date: 1990
Thesis title: Parallel solution of the three-dimensional euler equations using finite octree meshes
Advisor: Joseph Flaherty
Employment after graduation:
Student: David J. Powell
Graduation date: 1990
Thesis title: Inter-Gen: A hybrid approach to engineering design optimization
Advisor: Michael Skolnick
Employment after graduation:
GE Research and Development
Student: Lakshman N. Yagati
Graduation date: 1990
Thesis title: On the complexity of computing grobner bases for zero dimensional polynomial ideals
Advisor: Erich Kaltofen
Employment after graduation:
Student: John Corban Goble
Graduation date: 1990
Thesis title: The three-dimensional inverse problem in electric current computed tomography
Employment after graduation:
Student: Helgi Thorbergsson
Graduation date: 1990
Thesis title: Object-oriented database techniques for the representation of match information from images of 2-D electrophoretic gels
Advisor: Michael Skolnick and
David Spooner
Employment after graduation: Software
consultant, Iceland
Student: Katherine Betz
Graduation date: 1990
Thesis title: A frame-based model for high-level synthesis
Employment after graduation:
Student: Gautam Shroff
Graduation date: 1990
Thesis title: Parallel Jacobi algorithms for the algebraic eigenvalue problem
Advisor: Rob Schreiber and Joseph Flaherty
Employment after graduation:
Student: Georg Samaras
Graduation date: 1990
Thesis title: A relational database as a high level index to a distributed object database in engineering design systems
Advisor: Martin Hardwick
Employment after graduation:
University of Cyprus
Student: Jeanette M. Bruno
Graduation date: 1989
Thesis title: Analyzing conditional data dependencies in an equational language compiler
Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski
Employment after graduation:
Center for Research and Development, GE
Student: Jeffrey S. Poulin
Graduation date: 1989
Thesis title: Object-oriented CAD database support for software reusability in computer aided software engineering environments
Advisor: David Spooner
Employment after graduation: IBM
Student: Dan Benanav
Graduation date: 1989
Thesis title: Recognizing unnecessary inference
Advisor: David Musser
Employment after graduation:
New Jersey Institute of Technology; NYNEX
Student: Salim S. Abi-Ezzi
Graduation date: 1989
Thesis title: The graphical processing of b-splines in a highly dynamic environment
Advisor: Michael Wozny
Employment after graduation: Sun
Student: Mohamad A. Kodeih
Graduation date: 1988
Thesis title: An adaptive mechanism and mixed strategies approach to parallel execution of logic programs
Advisor: Edwin Rogers
Employment after graduation:
Student: Ebba T. Hvannberg
Graduation date: 1988
Thesis title: An object-based parallel programming assistant
Advisor: Mukkai Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation: University
of Iceland
Student:J. Ross Stenstrom
Graduation date: 1988
Thesis title: The application of attributed grammars and related formal models to pattern recognition
Advisor: Robert F. McNaughton
Employment after graduation:
Student: Gilbert B. Porter, III
Graduation date: 1987
Thesis title: A differential method for reasoning by analogy
Employment after graduation:
Student: Ching-Yi Wang
Graduation date: 1986
Thesis title: Discretionary access control in a heterogeneous distributed database management system
Advisor: David Spooner
Employment after graduation:
startup company
Student: Nikoloas Ginos
Graduation date: 1985
Thesis title: Operational calculus methods for the closed form solution of ordinary differential equations
Employment after graduation:
Student: Snorri Agnarsson
Graduation date: 1985
Thesis title: Packages as substitutions
Advisor: Mukkai S. Krishnamoorthy
Employment after graduation: University
of Iceland
Student: Myra Jean Prelle
Graduation date: 1982
Thesis title: Elementary first integrals of differential equations
Advisor: Bob Caviness
Employment after graduation:
Student: Lawrence E. Wright
Graduation date: 1976
Thesis title: Cellular automata with non-working cells
Employment after graduation:
Student: William R. Strait
Graduation date: 1975
Thesis title: A formal model of translation with symbol table pointers
Employment after graduation:
Student: Rayno Niemi
Graduation date: 1973
Thesis title: A numerical algorithm to solve quadratically constrained quadratic programs
Employment after graduation:
Student: David G. Hannay
Graduation date: 1973
Thesis title: Finite-state automata with recursive-call state transitions
Employment after graduation:
Student: Margaret K. Brown
Graduation date: 1972
Thesis title: An investigation of Newton-like methods for calculating critical points with applications to nonlinear boundary value problems
Employment after graduation:
Student: Alberto H. Peronilla
Graduation date: 1971
Thesis title: Free-format input for integer programming: a machine code for a modified gomory algorithm with application to weingartner's problem
Employment after graduation:
Student: John S. Hutchison
Graduation date: 1971
Thesis title: Finite difference solutions to delay differential equations
Employment after graduation:
Student: Jack P. Gelb
Graduation date: 1971
Thesis title: The computer solution of english probability problems
Employment after graduation:
Student: Thomas A. Williams
Graduation date: 1970
Thesis title: Scheduling algorithm for a demand-response bus system
Employment after graduation:
Student: Donald Bishko
Graduation date: 1969
Thesis title: Planning for common mineral resources in the urban - suburban environment: a computer simulation approach
Employment after graduation: